Hela playing with my chapstick...he kept putting it in his pocket then in his mouth. He loves to play with chapstick. Here he just finished saying cheese...I missed it of course then he was saying bye Momma cause he knew we were leaving out the door...even though I was coming with him lol.

Look at his hair...we're growing it out some to see what his hairs like.

What a perfect little face:)

Liz...do you like the shoes????

the shoes...so Liz can see them:)

Hela wearing the shoes I got for Emmy. He always brings them to me and says "Emmy Shoes." Finally I decided to try them on him knowing his dad wouldn't like that lol. So, in this picture I had told him to go show daddy so he was running out of the room to go show his dad. P.S the shoes were a little small but I thought it was funny!!

Look at those eyes:)

He's so excited to have my icecream cone. He went and sat in that chair cause it was across the room from me so then he didn't have to share lol

Hela eating MY icecream cone lol. He's so funny

Running around the chair. That's his silly look

running some more:) with a fiber one bar in his hand. Look at his crazy hair he just got done taking a bath

This picture makes me laugh. It was in the middle of him saying C H E E S E

He's so cute!!