Monday, August 24, 2009

Trip to Heber/Salt Lake for my little brothers regional Baseball Tournment! THEY TOOK SECOND..lost by ONE POINT

My family on my mom's side....some of my cousins, friends etc.

Sorry these pictures aren't in sequence but you have to see them all they were so cute. This is Hela with my cousin Shannon's son Matrix.....Matrix was being nice sharing his rootbeer float with Hela...Helaman would go paly then come back when he wanted a bite and Matrix would give him a bite then Hela would run off again and do whatever and come back. SO CUTE
some more was a fun fun fun week! Minus the fact that I got fired FOR NO REASON right before. Turned out for the better though cause i got to spend more time with my family and I don't have to work with dishonest people anymore!!!

My Cousin Shannon and her you guys

Shannon helping Hela and priceless lol

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that Hela would go play and then come back for food- he is so funny! ps don't think I'm not grateful for the posts- you just know me- nothing is ever enough! :)

