Saturday, September 12, 2009

Helaman playing in Levi's shower chair from when he had knee surgery:)

these pics aren't in sequence but just look at how proud he is of himself climbing up into this chair and then sitting down in the hole ha ha. It was so so cute. He kept crawling down in the hole and saying CHEESE...he's so adorable I just can't get enough of him everyday!!

Cheese......cheese.....cheese says Helaman lol


  1. he is so beautiful- I love his proud little face and the cheese! he really is so gorgeous though :) i miss you people! waaaa. love you!

  2. Is there REAL gold fish still swimming in there?
    (This picture us really funny) I hope he didn't get any poop on his cute clothes..... Man, my face hurts right now for some reason. :) lol

