Hela with part of his toilet seat ha ha don't worry he hardly uses it and I clean it

another pic of the toilet seat

the seat on his head ha ha ha

Hela eating a sucker while trick or treating

Hela trick treating.....

Brandi and Londyn

Londyn the little turtle

Hela and Londyn at the Halloween party that was amazing

Hela riding the Zebra with a sucker in his mouth

Hela as a little elephant! He's so darling...

Brandi peaking around Dan!

Ryan and Hela....the two elephants

Ryan the cute elephant!

Hela and Ryan...I couldn't get Hela to keep his hood on for the picture

Ryan giving Hela a hug:) HOW CUTE!
these are so so cute- I wish I could talk to you right now- buy a camera/microphone for Skype NOW love you
ReplyDeleteThat is such a cute costume! I like yours too! Hela is so cute, he's going to be a heartbraker. And I'm going to call you. . .I've been a slacker!
ReplyDeleteREALLY???!!! HALLOWEEN???? That's the last post you have??? You better catch up woman! I haven't seen you forever. Brad said he talked to you guys today at the softball games. We need to hang out!
ReplyDeleteUPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE!! SHEESH WOMAN! I thought I was bad! :)